+1 610-828-8288 info@mlgconsulting.net Park City UT

Financial Services

Succession Planning

Every business owner, at some point, wrestles with business succession and leaving the business. Whether an owner’s exit is planned or not the difference between success and failure is proper planning. MLG Consulting’s process involves a full review of your succession plan typically involving Buy-Sell & Key Man Agreements to assist with a smooth and successful transition. Our goal is for you and your future generations to enjoy your wealth without worry.

Succession Planning- Helping to develop an active succession plan built upon the owner’s goals and visions for the company’s future after the retirement of key employees and/or owners.  We starting with the simplest of questions: “What do you want from your business?  When you leave the business who will run it and who will own it?”

Buy-Sell Agreement- Review of existing buy-sell agreements from the business and valuation perspective.  Perform a comprehensive review of funding policies and make recommendations.

Executive Financial Planning

In depth personalized planning.

We believe that having a game plan substantially increases your chances of success. We will help craft your personal estate and financial plans incorporating both your business succession plan and your other requests. 

We have been helping business owners plan and manage concentrated wealth in illiquid investments for over 25 years and have the knowledge to help you create a successful plan.  

We also offer

Wealth Planning- Planning based on personal and family goals and objectives incorporating both the business owner’s personal and business assets and liabilities.  Assist in the coordination of the succession plan, buy-sell agreements and charitable combined with personal estate planning.

Investment Planning- An investment process to understanding and quantify your investment objectives.  Create of an asset allocation program and investment selection based on those objectives and provide ongoing monitoring.* Investment Planning is offered for both retirement plan assets and personal savings.*

Asset Management- Proprietary portfolios of publicly traded securities that are proactively managed  based upon your investment objectives.

**Investment advice provided by Main Line Group Wealth Management, LLC a SEC Registered Investment Advisor.

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